Diversity, equity & inclusion

DE&I Declaration

Credit Saison aims to be a company where we acknowledge
and harness each other's capabilities so all employees can actively contribute and flourish as individuals

DE&I Vision

Since before concepts of "promoting women's active participation"
and "diversity" became widespread, female employees
at Credit Saison have been flourishing in a wide range of roles
and playing a part in our growth.
Today, we strive to make improvements to company systems
while fostering a culture of mutual understanding,
in order to create an organization where employees
from diverse backgrounds including gender, age,disabilities, nationality
and other qualities can demonstrate their own unique abilities
and achieve success in a comfortable work environment.

As a leading-edge service company,
Credit Saison puts into practice the ideas of contributing to
the fulfilling lives of customers with diverse needs,
breaking down employee homogeneity
and turning diversity into the power to effect change,
striving to become a company that continues to growth sustainably.

Promotion Structure

In August 2021, we established the Sustainability Promotion Committee with the participation of our Representative, Executive President and COO, and set up a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Promotion Working Group (DE&I Promotion WG) within the Committee.
Since September 2021, the DE&I Promotion WG has been holding discussions regularly, reporting to the Board of Directors where necessary, and conducting activities in cooperation with various business departments, to further promote DE&I throughout the Group.

Promotion Structure

History of DE&I Promotion


Systems and mechanisms supporting diverse work styles

We develop systems and mechanisms that support diverse working styles to achieve well-being for all employees


For detailed information on various systems and mechanisms, please click here.
Conditions exceeding statutory requirements and initiatives unique to Credit Saison are indicated in blue.

ー Leave

Leave Details
Morning sickness and hospital visit leave Upon request, pregnant employees suffering from morning sickness, employees who find it difficult to work after childbirth, or employees who need to make hospital visits for checkups during pregnancy or within one year of childbirth, may take the necessary number of days as leave.
Maternity leave Employees may take up to 56 days of leave prior to their expected childbirth date, including the date itself (up to 98 days for a multiple pregnancy), and up to 56 days of leave from the date following the date of childbirth.
Paternity Leave An employee may take five days of paid leave within a 30-day period before and after their spouse gives birth.
Leave for fathers after childbirth Up to four weeks of leave may be taken within eight weeks following childbirth.Wages are paid for the first five days of such leave.
Childcare leave Childcare leave can be taken up to March 31 of the fiscal year in which an employee's child turns three years of age. By not limiting the leave period to one year, a proper system can be developed to balance work with childcare responsibilities. Allowing employees to spend time in a way that suits them during this period, such as encouraging them to improve their career through self development, will lead to a smooth return to the workplace.
Child nursing care leave Employees raising children up to elementary school age can take leave (paid) of up to five days per year for one child and up to 10 days per year (unpaid from the sixth and subsequent days) for two or more children in order to care for the child or children when sick or injured, or for the child or children to undergo vaccinations or medical checkups. The leave can be taken in daily, half-daily or hourly increments.
Caregiver days off During a period during which a family member is in need of care, an employee may take family care leave of up to five days per year for a single family member in need of care or up to 10 days per year for two or more family members in need of care, and the leave can be taken in daily, half-daily or hourly increments.
Caregiving leave During the period during which a family member is in need of nursing care, an employee may work shortened working hours, or go on nursing care leave for up to one year.
Wellness leave Eligible employees can take five or more consecutive days of their own public holidays or annual paid leave for the maintenance of health, advancement of health or for physical or mental refreshment, of which one of those days can be used to undergo a physical examination.
Congratulation or condolence leave Employees can take the necessary number of days as paid leave, up to the number of days designated by the company, for congratulatory or condolence matters involving the individual employee or close relatives.
"Good Life" leave Employees can take leave or take a leave of absence of up to one year for circumstances such as hospital visits for infertility treatment.
Additionally, employees are allowed to use their own accumulated paid leave within a set number of days.
Leave to Pursue New Challenges Employees may take leave for periods from one month up to a maximum of two years to attend school (whether domestic or overseas), acquire qualifications, engage in a volunteer activity or engage in other activities for personal development they would not be able to pursue while working for the company.
Hourly and half-day paid leave In addition to the use of paid leave in daily or half-daily increments, enabling its use in hourly increments makes it possible to utilize leave for a diverse range of purposes. (Up to five days' worth of leave each year)

ー Work styles

Work styles Details
Teleworking Utilizing work from home and mobile work makes effective use of commuting and travel time, improves productivity and promotes success.
Fully flexible work Employees can use their own judgment to determine working hours on the days they attend work within the range of total working hours per month.
This system involves no core time, enabling optimum working styles based on departmental characteristics.
Short day/short working hours Shortened working days and working hours can be utilized not only for childcare and family care purposes but for self-development and similar activities after working hours. Up to 168 days off per year and shortened working hours of up to two hours in 30-minute increments can be taken.
Side job Employees are allowed to engage in side work when certain conditions are met. We support working styles in which employees can return the experiences they have gained outside the company to our core businesses, and working styles that lead to the career advancement of employees.
Rework entry Employees who have left the company for reasons such as studying abroad, changing jobs or providing family care can rejoin the company under the same conditions if certain conditions are met.
Reemployment Employees who have reached 60 years of age and wish to continue working after their employment contract has ended can be reemployed up to the age of 65.
Change of work location or role Employees can change to a working style that limits their work location or role due to circumstances including marriage, childbirth, child-rearing or family nursing care.
Senior employment system This system enables willing employees who are motivated to work and possess the requisite skills to continue working after their period of reemployment has ended up to the age of 70.

ー Employee welfare

Employee welfare Details
Matching service for company-led daycare centers Employees can easily search for openings in company-led daycare centers, receive related information, and make use of a "Child-rearing Future Concierge" that accepts telephone consultations.
CANVAS This is an activity support system that provides support for self-development, health, childcare and family care so that all employees can work with initiative and creativity. Employees can choose from a variety of menu items that meet their needs on a dedicated portal site.

ー Asset formation support

Asset formation support Details
Defined contribution corporate pension plan This system allows employees themselves to select whether they enroll and their contribution amounts in order to receive benefits.
This helps employees to proactively control their own asset formation while receiving tax benefits.
Ownership association plan This system was established to support employee asset formation and improve awareness of participation in management. Incentives are granted by the company based on the amount of contributions to support employee asset formation. Enrollment in the system is voluntary.

Promotion of the career advancement of diverse human capital

ー Toward eliminating the gender gap

Credit Saison regards it as a key strategy to ensure that female employees, who comprise roughly 70% of all employees, contribute to the organization and company in roles that give them a greater voice. Accordingly, we have worked to establish systems and make improvements to the work environment so that employees can succeed irrespective of gender.

Main initiatives

・Seminars on balancing work with childcare
・Workshops ensuring male employees to take parental leave
・Career interviews when returning to work from childcare leave
・Seminars to foster leader mindsets among female employees


ー Promotion of the understanding of LGBTQ issues

Credit Saison has declared a human rights policy and has implemented initiatives to promote understanding of LGBTQ issues as a part of efforts to support the success of a diverse range of employees.

Main initiatives

• Training on manners related to LGBTQ issues
• Creation of a handbook on universal manners
• Activities to disseminate related information over the company intranet

ー Realizing second careers that respect individuals

With the aim of supporting the self-directed career development of employees, we have introduced a reemployment system that allows willing employees to continue working up to 65 years of age following mandatory retirement, and a senior employment system that allows them to continue working as under casual employment up to 70 years of age.
We provide training and interviews with second career options in mind as part of efforts to support the further success of employees.

Main initiatives

・Career design program
・Second life seminar
・Career interviews

ー Becoming a company where employees with disabilities can work for a long time

Credit Saison implements a range of initiatives to develop environments in which employees can continue to work with peace of mind in work locations tailored to the specifics of their disabilities (assignment to various divisions, ubiquitous office teams that cut out and consolidated administrative tasks, Saison Farm indoor farms, etc.), and to support job retention.

Main initiatives

• Workshops to deepen understanding of disabilities
• Interviews to retain individuals with disabilities, the employees working with them, and supporters

Award received at the FY2023 Length of Service Awards for People with Disabilities

ー Creation of global synergies

We recruit members of various nationalities with a focus on local hiring, and have built a workforce numbering over 8,000 (*) employees at overseas offices including consolidated subsidiaries and equity method affiliates. We also actively appoint local talent to management roles and promote local business operations under the leadership of local talent.
Additionally, once a year we hold the SAISON Global Summit as an opportunity to exchange diverse values with the aim of creating synergy through a sense of groupwide unity.
During the summit members from each overseas site share details about their business activities, efforts are made to foster understanding of religion through the establishment of a prayer room and consideration paid to food culture, while language differences are handled through interpreters, reflecting how Credit Saison has taken the initiative to promote DE&I.
* As of June 30, 2023
