Foster a Corporate Culture to Embrace Challenges

Foster a Corporate Culture to Embrace Challenges

To provide new value to society as a leading-edge service company, we implement systems and initiatives that support the challenges taken on by employees, fostering a challenge-oriented culture across the organization.

Approach to personnel systems underpinning the challenges taken on by each employee

Credit Saison has pursued reforms to its personnel systems by adopting the perspective of fostering a willingness among each employee to take on challenges, and developing an environment that allows for such endeavors.
In 2017, we introduced a Common Personnel System (equal pay for equal work) and made all employees full-time employees.
Under the system, we eliminated barriers to positional promotions based on employee categories and disparities in compensation, provided equal opportunities to take on challenges enabling all employees working at Credit Saison to demonstrate their capabilities to the fullest, while clarifying the competencies expected of employees and incorporating personnel evaluations to encourage each employee to challenge themselves.
Additionally in 2022 and 2023, we newly established "Specialist" and "Expert" as high-level grades in which employees can succeed outside management. Previously, these designations were only available as part of the management course.
We are developing career paths that allow individual employees to capitalize on their individual qualities and strengths while actively participating and challenging themselves.
Going forward, we will continue to cultivate greater motivation for employees to take on challenges and continue to develop our personnel systems in order to create an environment that can produce results.


Competency as common action metrics
for all employees

To foster a culture that encourages people to take on challenges, it is important to transform the day-to-day awareness and behavior of each employee.
Credit Saison has clarified the "competencies expected of Credit Saison employees" based around the motivation to take on challenges and a culture of cooperation that enhances psychological safety.
Having employees act in line with competencies fosters a culture that encourages employees to take on challenges and also leads to improved performance and growth of employees overall. Additionally, to help the practice of employees challenging themselves take root, actions based on competencies have been incorporated into the personnel evaluation system.


Measures to ensure that the culture of taking on challenges takes root

We implement a range of measures to support the self-directed actions of individual employees in taking on challenges

  • <examples>
  • ● Open challenge (Groupwide recruitment postings)
  • ● Dream challenge
  • ● Peer-to-peer bonus system (CS Style Tip)
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