Board of Directors

Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Executive Officer Ryuki Tabata
Managing Executive Officer
Ryuki Tabata
  • Head of General Affairs Dept., Strategic Human Resources Dept.,
    In charge of Leasing Business Dept.
  • Representative, Executive Vice President of Daiwa House Financial Co., Ltd.
  • Born in 1967

Career summary

April 1990 Joined Credit Saison Co., Ltd.
October 2010 General Manager, Kyushu Branch
March 2014 General Manager, Retail Business Dept.
March 2015 General Manager, Leasing & Rental Business Dept.
March 2020 General Manager, Operation Planning Dept.
October 2020 General Manager, Processing Development Dept.
March 2021 Executive Officer,
In charge of Processing Development Dept., Affinity Business Dept. No.1 & 2, Business Strategy Dept.,
General Manager, Processing Development Dept.
August 2021 In charge of Processing Development Dept., Affinity Business Dept. No.1 & 2, MF Business Development Dept.,
General Manager, Processing Development Dept.
October 2021 In charge of Processing Development Dept., Affinity Business Dept., MF Business Development Dept.
March 2022 Credit card joint ventures affairs management
General Manager, Payment Business Division,
In charge of Processing Development Dept.,
General Manager, Card Joint Venture Planning Dept.
March 2023 Managing Executive Officer(present),
Credit card joint ventures affairs management
Head of Payment Business Division,
General Manager, Payment Business Division,
In charge of Processing Sales Dept.,