Board of Directors

Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Executive Officer Yuichi Kawahara
Executive Officer
Yuichi Kawahara
  • Head of Customer Satisfaction Development Dept.,
  • General Manager, Customer Success Division
  • Director of CASM, Inc.
    Director of Omnibus k.k.
  • Director of Motionpicture Co.,Ltd.
  • Born in 1975

Career summary

April 1998 Joined UC Card Co., Ltd.
January 2006 Transferred to the Company
March 2016 General Manager, Corporate Planning Dept.
March 2017 General Manager, Corporate Planning Dept.
On loan to Saison Ventures Co., Ltd.
March 2018 General Manager, Corporate Planning Dept.,
Digital Transformation Office, IT Strategy Dept.
On loan to Saison Ventures Co., Ltd.
March 2019 General Manager, Data Business Dept.,
Corporate Planning Dept.
On loan to Saison Ventures Co., Ltd.,
Omnibus K.K.
March 2020 General Manager, Digital Innovation Division,
Digital Marketing Dept.,
Corporate Planning Dept.
On loan to Saison Ventures Co., Ltd.,
Omnibus K.K.
March 2021 Executive Officer(Present),
In charge of Digital Service Dept., Digital Marketing Dept.,
Product Development Dept.,
General Manager, Digital Marketing Dept.
October 2021 General Manager, Digital Innovation Division, Digital Marketing Dept.
March 2022 General Manager, Customer Success Division, Digital Marketing Dept.
March 2023 Head of Customer Satisfaction Development Dept., General Manager, Customer Success Division