1951 |
- May
- Established as a retailer specializing in installment sales.
1968 |
- Jun.
- Listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
1976 |
- Mar.
- Formed a capital tie-up with Seibu Department Stores, Ltd.
1980 |
- Aug.
- The Company’s name was changed from Midoriya Department Stores to Seibu Credit Co., Ltd.
1982 |
- Aug.
- Began construction of a nationwide network of Saison Counters to process issuance of Seibu cards.
Commenced installations of unmanned cash dispensers.
Started the lease business.
1983 |
- Mar.
- Seibu Card name changed to SAISON CARD.
1985 |
- May
- Started credit guarantee business.
1988 |
- Jul.
- Developed an international credit card with no membership fees through a tie-up with Visa and Mastercard.
1989 |
- Oct.
- Company name changed from Seibu Credit Co., Ltd. to Credit Saison Co., Ltd.
1990 |
- Apr.
- Credit Saison began to issue Saison Postal Savings Cards, the first cards in Japan to support signature-less transactions (in Seiyu food outlets).
1991 |
- Jan.
- Affinity card business started.
1995 |
- Jun.
- Saison JCB Card issued in cooperation with JCB Co., Ltd.
1997 |
- Oct.
- SAISON American Express® Card issued through an affiliation with AMERICAN EXPRESS®.
2000 |
- Aug.
- Net Answer, an Internet service, started.
2001 |
- Mar.
- Nominated for inclusion in the Nikkei Stock Average (Nikkei 225).
- Nov.
- Supporting company contract for the Japan national soccer team concluded.
2002 |
- Feb.
- Eikyufumetsu Points, which never expire, started.
2003 |
- Jan.
- Began using SAISON CARD EXPRESS for speedy online card issuance.
- Aug.
- Agreement reached on a comprehensive alliance with the card division of Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. (Idemitsu Card mydoplus issued in April 2004).
- Sep.
- Super Value Plus, an insurance product exclusively for cardmembers, issued through a business alliance between Credit Saison, Saison Automobile and Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. and Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
2004 |
- Feb.
- Decision made to form a strategic equity and business tie-up with Resona Holdings, Inc. (Resona Card+S (Resona Card Saison) was issued in October 2004).
- Apr.
- Basic agreement reached with Takashimaya Company, Limited on a strategic alliance in the credit card business. (TAKASHIMAYA Saison Card issued in September 2004).
- Aug.
- Basic agreement on forming a strategic alliance in the credit card business concluded with the Mizuho Financial Group, Inc., Mizuho Bank, Ltd. and UC CARD Co., Ltd.
2005 |
- Apr.
- New credit center Ubiquitous started operation.
- Oct.
- Saison Platinum American Express® Card issued.
- Dec.
- Credit Saison acquired additional shares of Resona Card Co., Ltd., making this company an equity-method affiliate.
2006 |
- Jan.
- Credit Saison merged with UC Card Co., Ltd. (card issuance business).
- Mar.
- Saison Card Loan issued.
- Jun.
- Comprehensive alliance formed with Yamada Denki Co., Ltd. in the credit card business (Yamada LABI Card launched in July of the same year).
- Jul.
- Agreements to form a business alliance with The Shizuoka Bank, Ltd. (Shizugin Saison Card Co., Ltd. established in October 2006 and ALL-S Card issued in April 2007).
- Oct.
- Points exchange website Eikyufumetsu.com(Current Saison Point Mall) launched.
- Nov.
- Shareholder agreement signed with Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. and joint venture established (Heart One Card issued in May 2007).
2007 |
- Mar.
- Saison Asset Management Co., Ltd. launched own investment trusts.
Agreement for comprehensive alliance with Yamaguchi Financial Group, Inc. (YM Saison Card issued in October 2007).
- Jun.
- Lowered the interest-rate ceiling for cash advances to 18% or lower.
- Oct.
- Established Qubitous Co., Ltd., the industry’s first comprehensive processing service specialist.(Qubitous was made a consolidated subsidiary in April 2008).
- Changed the UC Card point system to Eikyufumetsu points.
2008 |
- Jan.
- Issued SAISON Platinum Business American Express® Card for individual proprietors and business owners.
- Jun.
- Rental business launched (commencement of home appliance rental in an alliance with Yamada Denki).
- Sep.
- Absorbed LAWSON CS Card, Inc. by merger.
- Oct.
- Launched new credit operation center Kansai Ubiquitous.
2009 |
- Mar.
- Started handling Flat 35 loans.
2010 |
- Mar.
- Basic agreement reached on comprehensive business alliance with SEVEN & i FINANCIAL GROUP CO., LTD. (Apr. 2011, Sogo & Seibu Card business was split off into a new joint venture).
- Apr.
- Started operation of Akagi Nature Park.
- Jun.
- Strengthened alliance with AMERICAN EXPRESS® and extended card lineup to four card categories.
2011 |
- Jul.
- Issued NEO MONEY, a prepaid card exclusively for use by Japanese travelers visiting other countries.
- Aug.
- Tie-up with China UnionPay for affiliated store operations in Japan.
- Nov.
- Started the first use of Eikyufumetsu points for net shopping in the industry.
2012 |
- Apr.
- Started handling Flat 35 Plus mortgage loan packages.
- Jun.
- Established a representative office in Hanoi, Vietnam.
2013 |
- Jan.
- Started handling Saison Asset Formation Loans.
- Apr.
- Established a local subsidiary in Vietnam to conduct consulting.
Entered alliance with Coiney, Inc. on smartphone settlements.
- Jun.
- Started Saison CLO, a cardmember referral service linked to card settlements.
- Aug.
- Strengthened business collaboration with Concur Technologies, Inc., a provider of expenses settlement solutions.
2014 |
- Feb.
- Started accepting applications for the Mitsui Shopping Park Card , which has optimized the bonus point program of the Mitsui Fudosan Group.
- Apr.
- Opened a representative office in Jakarta, Indonesia.
- May
- Established a local subsidiary in Singapore.
- Jul.
- Commenced Saison Portal and UC Portal that provide smartphone apps for cardmembers.
- Sep.
- Saison Asset Management Co., Ltd. formed a capital and operational alliance with Japan Post Co., Ltd.
- Nov.
- Formed a capital and operational alliance with Singapore-based MatchMove Pay Pte Ltd.
2015 |
- May
- Formed a comprehensive capital and business tie-up with Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh Development Joint Stock Commercial Bank (HD Bank) and established HD SAISON Finance Company Ltd.
- Launched Sodan, a free counseling website for women focused on life issues and money.
- Jun.
- Established Saison Ventures Co., Ltd., the first corporate venture capital established by Japanese credit card company.
- Sep.
- Established PT. Saison Modern Finance, a finance services company, in Indonesia.
- Nov.
- Established Monex-Saison-Vanguard Investment Partners, Inc., a discretionary investment management business.
- Dec.
- Launched SAISON CHIENOWA, a website with content on thinking about working and living.
2016 |
- Feb.
- Commenced offering Saison Home Assist Loans.
- May
- Big data infrastructure Saison DMP launched.
- Commenced offering Saison Smart Money Transfer Service.
- Jun.
- Launched hintos, a website introducing services provided by business ventures.
- Jul.
- Participated in open innovation-type R&D organization DG Lab.
- Sep.
- Started handling Saison Property Investment Loan for purchasing apartment for investment purposes.
- Dec.
- Point Investment Services for long-term investment using Saison Eikyufumetsu points started.
2017 |
- Jan.
- Tied up Saison Eikyufumetsu Points Program with JP Bank’s prepaid card mijica.
- Apr.
- Acquired 100% shares of Omnibus K.K., a digital marketing company.
- Jul.
- Saison Rent Guarantee Rent Quick launched.
- Sep.
- Abolished employee classifications and launched a common HR system under which all employees are on indefinite-term contracts.
- Dec.
- Formed a capital tie-up with leading Southeast Asian ridesharing service operator Grab Holdings Inc. and established Grab Financial Services Asia Inc.
2018 |
- Mar.
- Established investment platform Investment Accounts.
- Launched new point investment service.
- Jun.
- Established Kisetsu Saison Finance (India) Private Limited in lndia.
- Sep.
- Experience stock investment the easy way, using points.
- Credit Saison announces the Point Investment Service (Individual Stock Course).
- Nov.
- Credit Saison Partners with SCG, Mitsui & Co. Agreeing on Establishment of SIAM SAISON Co., Ltd. in Thailand.
2019 |
- Jan.
- Started handling Saison Reform Loan.
- Apr.
- Launched the special class benefit program, Saison Classe.
- Jun.
- Established Saison Capital Pte. Ltd., a corporate venture capital, in Singapore.
- Sep.
- Formed a comprehensive capital and business tie-up with Daiwa Securities Group Inc.
- Nov.
- Started providing Saison Pocket smartphone-based securities services.
- Dec.
- Basic agreement on absorption-type merger of Qubitous Co., Ltd.
Issued SAISON Cobalt Business American Express® Card, a business credit card.
2020 |
- Mar.
- Launched the SAISON TEACHER-corporate lessons financial education program.
- Oct.
- Launched the Saison's Furusato tax payment service.
- Nov.
- Started accepting applications for the Daiwa Securities Saison Platinum/American Express® Card.
Launched SAISON CARD Digital, a new smartphone-based payment service. Started accepting applications for the Saison Rose Gold American Express® Card.
- Dec.
- Began issuing Saison Gaming Card.
Launched an impact investment program through its Singapore subsidiary.
2021 |
- Mar.
- Began issuing Likeme♡by saison card.
- May
- Started accepting applications for the SAISON BUSINESS Pro CARD.
- Jun.
- Established CASM, Inc., a joint venture with CyberAgent, Inc.
- Jul.
- Made Wine and Spirits Culture Association and Wine & Wine Culture Co., Ltd. wholly owned subsidiaries.
- Aug.
- Began issuing the Shop Channel Card Saison American Express® Card.
- Sep.
- Formulated the CSDX Strategy, the digital transformation strategy of Credit Saison.
Launched Saison-no Kurashi Daikenkyu, a website providing information for living long happily with a sense of security.
- Oct.
- Starting providing YoriSoi Care, a discharge support service, jointly with MedPeer, Inc.
Made Motionpicture Co., Ltd. a subsidiary.