Environmental initiatives

Basic approach

In pursuit of a sustainable society, we strive to reduce the environmental impact of business operations and will actively remain committed to the reduction of environmental impact throughout society by means of financial instruments, etc.

Biodiversity conservation

The biodiversity crisis is a serious issue that affects our life.With a view toward the realization of a sustainable society, we will consider biodiversity in conducting business activities and carry out activities to conserve biodiversity.


1. Climate change initiatives

We conduct periodical monitoring and improvements to reduce environmental impact. We give sufficient consideration for natural environment in all of our business activities.

2. Co-creation with nature

We operate Akagi Nature Park at the foot of Mt. Akagi, Gunma and promote efforts to protect biodiversity to hand the natural environment down to the next generation.

3. Compliance with environment-related laws

We comply with environment-related laws.

4. Environmental communication

Credit Saison actively discloses information and engages employees and other stakeholders in its efforts to protect the environment.


In August 2021, we established the Sustainability Promotion Committee that includes our Representative, Executive President and COO, and within this committee we set up the Climate Change Strategy Promotion Working Group.
Since September 2021, the Climate Change Strategy Promotion WG has been holding discussions regularly (once a month), reporting to the Board of Directors where necessary, and conducting activities in cooperation with various business departments, to further promote address climate change Strategy throughout the Group.


Responsibility for environmental supervision

The Board of Directors is responsible for environmental oversight, including climate change issues. The Sustainability Promotion Committee is an advisory body to the Board of Directors and it meets regularly. The entire Credit Saison Group is strengthening its efforts to solve social and environmental issues through our business to realize a sustainable society. Environment-related strategies (including scenario analyses), plans, assessments and goals are discussed and reported in Sustainability Promotion Committee meetings. Resolutions approved by the Committee are periodically reported to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible for supervising the achievement of goals relating to the environment and climate change.

Disclosure in Line with TCFD Recommendations

Worldwide, the severity of climate change and other global environment issues is increasing. Japan is no exception. Weather abnormalities have caused many large natural disasters and have greatly impacted Japan. Companies cannot overlook the impact of climate change. Against this backdrop, we believe that climate change is an important issue we should address in our sustainability-oriented management, and that the risks and opportunities accompanying climate change will greatly impact our business strategies.
The Company expressed its support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations in 2022 and is involved in the TCFD consortium, a discussion forum for the companies and financial institutes supporting the recommendations.
Based on the TCFD recommendations, we will continue to disclose information about governance, strategies, risk management, metrics and targets regarding our actions to address climate change in pursuit of a sustainable society.

  • TCFDコンソーシアム


Provision of credit cards that enable the visualization of CO2 emissions based on payment data

Amid the growing trend toward the achievement of the carbon neutrality of corporate and economic activities, people's awareness regarding carbon neutrality is steadily increasing, mainly among young people. It is safe to say that carbon neutrality is an important issue to both businesses and individuals.
We offer SAISON CARD Digital for becoz, Japan’s first credit card capable of visualizing CO2 emissions based on payment data, to support the realization of customers' carbon-neutral lifestyles.


Operation of Akagi Nature Park


At the foot of Mt. Akagi in Gunma Prefecture lies the Akagi Nature Park, a place thriving with plants, insects and small animals, which Credit Saison has been managing since 2010 with the support of individuals, businesses, and groups who agree with the sentiment of wanting to contribute to a richer society by allowing as many children as possible to experience nature to develop their sensitivities.
While working on creating an environment with the goal of making coexistence between humanity and nature a reality, Credit Saison is deepening ties with the region and local communities, as well as with Shibukawa City, to which it has concluded a cooperative agreement, in a wide range of fields such as health, welfare, education, and tourism, strengthening ties with environmental study groups and health promotion programs which use the nature park's fields, and as a tourist spot for Gunma Prefecture’s Destination Campaign.

Reforestation project for biodiversity and increased carbon dioxide sequestration

The devastation of forests destroys ecosystems and significantly impacts our lives by limiting our water supply, increasing the risk of mudslides and other disasters and reducing the Earth's ability to sequester CO2.We are implementing a reforestation project to increase CO2 sequestration capacity and preserve biodiversity. In addition, we are working hard to balance the two functions of the Akagi Nature Park. One is the conservation of the natural environment and the other is to be an exhibition and tourist facility. For this purpose, we for example, offer hands-on opportunities to learn about the environment including tree transplanting experiences for Creating Forests for the Coexistence of Humanity and Nature.Research findings suggest that these activities help keep the ecosystems in village forests in good condition, in terms of light intensity in konara oak forests, the growth of forest floor plants, and the number of species in the forests. They made clear that our intensive efforts to manage and maintain the park are helpful in the conservation of biodiversity.


Ecological survey of Asagimadara (chestnut tiger butterfly)

The markings for the ecological survey of the migrating butterfly “Asagimadara” moving more than 1,000 km are also used for environmental learning.


Parent and Child Photography Class

A photography class is held for parents and children in the rich forest of Akagi Nature Park with the wish of being closer to the nature through the camera.

Activities at ReSAISON Co., Ltd.

In August 2022, ReSAISON Co., Ltd. was established as a joint venture with Cyclers Co., Ltd., which plays a role as a general recycler.
ReSAISON receives office equipment and other equipment for which the lease period has expired to resell them or bring them into the material recycling system to help develop the secondary market.
In September 2023, it organized an event to collect discarded items at Mitsui Fudosan Residential Co., Ltd. Then, it resold the collected items or brough them into the material recycling system to reduce waste, and thus establishing a circular economy.


Reduction in paper consumption / CO2 emissions

We are promoting the use of online statements and application forms as well as internal paperless initiatives.

  • ■ It introduced a work flow system for the money receiving and returning process and others and eliminated slip printing, which eliminated around 500,000 paper slips per year (an estimated reduction of 4.7 t-CO2 per year).
  • ■ Reduction of paper consumption through online statements (500g of CO2 reduction per envelope)
  • ■ 95% of face-to-face card applications were performed on tablet devices
  • ■ Paperless board meetings by using tablet devices for meeting materials
  • ■ Active use of conference calls and video conferencing
  • ■ Reduction of paper consumption by devising printing methods when printing documents
  • ■ Reduction of electricity consumption by shutting down PCs when away from the desk or not in use
  • ■ Casual office attire (Cool Biz, Warm Biz) *Adopted year-round from May 2018

Using environment-friendly materials

We replace plastic materials with paper-based materials to promote recycling.

  • ■ The material of the envelopes for magazines for members, Tentomushi and Express, was changed to reduce waste plastics by an estimated 17 tons per year.
  • ■ The window part of the envelopes for our credit card statements is made of glassine, a type of recyclable and eco-friendly waste paper.